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Remembering Dead Comrades

Szöveg: HUN NSE |  2015. június 17. 9:00

The Hungarian soldiers serving in Mazar-e Sharif, Afghanistan gathered to mark a sad anniversary in the early evening hours on June 10. Two soldiers of the HDF Provincial Reconstruction Team lost their life on this day in recent years.


They commemorated Posthumous Lt. Gyula Kovács, who lost his life while defusing an Improvised Explosive Device (IED) in the morning of June 10, 2008, and also Capt. (MD) Csaba Borbély, who got sick in the morning hours on the same day three years later, in 2011. He complained of chest pain, and his life could not be saved despite quick and professional medical treatment.

After a commemorative speech given by Lt.-Col. Zoltán Török – the commander of the 11th rotation of the HDF National Support Element (HUN NSE) – the soldiers laid wreaths and lit candles in remembrance of their dead comrades.


Photo: HUN NSE