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Romanian Delegation Visits Military Port

Szöveg: Lt. Melinda Fülöpné Várkonyi |  2012. január 16. 15:22

On Wednesday, January 11 a Romanian military delegation visited the HDF 1st Honvéd EOD and Warship Regiment. At the unit, Lt.-Col. Zsolt Szilágyi, the acting regimental commanding officer received the guests, who were accompanied to the military port of Újpest by Brig.-Gen. Ferenc Korom, the Operations Chief of the MoD Defence Staff.

The Romanian armed forces took over the lead nation responsibilities of the Tisza Multinational Engineer Battalion from the Hungarian Defence Forces on Wednesday, January 11. Following the transfer of authority ceremony held in Hotel Hadik in Budapest, the Romanian delegation of three, led by Lt.-Gen. Dan Ghica-Radu, Deputy Chief of Staff paid a visit to the HDF 1st Honvéd EOD and Warship Regiment.

The unit introduced the scope of its activities at the Újpest military port of the Hungarian Defence Forces. Lt.-Col. Zsolt Szilágyi, the acting regimental commanding officer informed the guests about the work of the EOD technicians and warship crews of the Hungarian Defence Forces, and also outlined the structure, mission and task scheme of the unit.

In what followed the visitors had opportunity to see the various items of EOD equipment and vehicles, and took a close look at the warships in service with the Hungarian Defence Forces.

Additionally, they learnt about the work of the sniffer dogs serving with the EOD unit: the demonstration of the K-9 section was a great success.

Photos by the author