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V4 Chiefs of Defence Meet in Poland

Szöveg: General Staff |  2016. október 6. 15:12

At the invitation of Polish Chief of Defence Gen. Mieczyslaw Gocul, General Dr. Tibor Benkő attended a meeting of the Chiefs of Defence of the Visegrád Four (V4) countries in Sopot, Poland on 4–5 October.

The meeting aimed at further strengthening the cooperation in the Visegrád Group, and provide the member countries – the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia – with opportunity to discuss their views on issues concerning regional security. High on the agenda was the deployment of V4 companies to the Baltic countries for training in the interest of implementing the European Assurance Measures. In this context, the chiefs of defence signed a strategic-level plan of rotation-based training activities, which includes the strength of the unit under training, the duration of the training events and the designated countries. Furthermore, the participants of the meeting reviewed the training events and exercises to be conducted in the V4 countries in the period between 2017 and 2021.


The participants agreed that they will hold a common high-visibility exercise in line with NATO principles every year. By the approved schedule, Hungary has assumed to host the exercise in 2017. During the meeting, the chiefs of defence of the Visegrád countries discussed the lessons learned from the standby period of the V4 European Union Battle Group (EU BG) in the first half of 2016. The primary goal of the overview was to determine, on the basis of the analysis of these lessons learned, the cornerstones for the deployment of the joint V4 EU Battle Group declared for 2019. It was also agreed that Hungary is responsible for the planning of the Special Operations Forces, engineer and non-kinetic modules, as well as the training, readiness level and command of the declared forces.

The top military leaders attending the meeting also agreed that in order to reaffirm the commitments they have already made in this topic, they will sign an official letter of intent in Brussels on 8 November.


Photo: General Staff