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Change of Command in Camp Novo Selo

Szöveg: Lt. Gábor Horváth |  2018. május 24. 15:26

The handover-takeover of the camp commander’s responsibilities has recently taken place in Camp Maréchal de Lattre de Tassigny (CMLT), Novo Selo, Kosovo. Lt.-Col. Károly Szép passed on the responsibilities to Lt.-Col. József Paor.

The soldiers of 14 nations serve in Camp Novo Selo. The strongest unit stationed in the camp is drawn from the 18th rotation of the HDF KFOR Contingent (KFOR-18 HUNCON); and the KFOR Tactical Reserve Battalion (KTRBN), which operates directly under COMKFOR, is made up of Hungarian troops.

The camp commander is responsible for command and control, the coordination of guard, force protection and security duties, the management of camp infrastructure and the provision of real life logistic support. He performs these duties making sure that the operation of the camp meets the NATO military standards as well as the national requirements.

Photo of HDF KFOR Contingent