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2LT Grácia Korom


Swedish and Turkish LMTs in Podujevo

2013. április 18. 16:58

The Hungarian Liaison and Monitoring Team (LMT) deployed in Kosovo held a special training session for the Swedish and Turkish LMTs on April 9-10.


Swedish Colonel Visits Hungarian LMT’s Area of Responsibility

2013. április 13. 6:07

On April 3, Col. Mikael Cristofferson, the new and at once last Swedish commander of the Joint Regional Detachment Centre (JRD-C) in Kosovo paid a visit to a Serb enclave in the area of responsibility of the Hungarian Liaison and Monitoring Team (LMT). Regularly visiting the small Serbian community in Sekiraca is one of the LMT’s priorities.


Handover of Renovated School in Kosovo

2013. április 5. 16:30

Lt.-Col. José Talambas, the commander of the KFOR Tactical Reserve Maneuver Battalion (KTM) recently handed over a renovated school building in Turucica, Kosovo.