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Charity Run in Kosovo

Szöveg: Lt. Csaba Búz |  2016. március 14. 6:06

In early March, the soldiers of the 14th rotation of the HDF KFOR Contingent (KFOR-14 HUNCON) serving in Kosovo participated in a running race.


Charity runs are organized several times every year, and their participants support various charity organizations through the entry fees. Based on this idea, the joint Portuguese–Hungarian KFOR Tactical Reserve Maneuver Battalion (KTM) has recently organized a charity run to support the Mini Paralympics in Kosovo. The Mini-Paralympics is a chance for young people with disabilities to show their skills to fight prejudices.

Altogether 300 competitors entered the charity run, among them more than 40 Hungarian peacekeepers. In addition to the members of the KFOR-14 HUNCON, the soldiers serving at the Kosovo NATO Headquarters also entered the race.


During the closing ceremony, COMKFOR Maj.-Gen. Guglielmo Luigi Miglietta and KTM Commander Lt.-Col. Carlos Abílio Cavacas Macieria presented the prizes to the winners.

The best Hungarian results:

  •  Women under 40 – 3rd place: Lt. Eszter Ujlaki
  •  Women over 40 – 2nd place: Sgt. Mária Járó
  •  Women over 40 – 3rd place: Capt. Eszter Walterné Szeri
  •  Men over 40: – 3rd place: SFC Róbert Süle

Photos by the author