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“21st Century Soldier”

Szöveg: Lt.-Col. Jenő Sötét |  2014. június 26. 9:00

Organized by the HDF Logistic Center, the “21st Century Soldier” Working Group Meeting of experts from the Visegrád Four (V4) countries was recently held in Budapest.

By integrating branch-level programs, the working group deals with the complex developments of infantrymen’s personal equipment. The meeting was convened on the initiative of the Polish leader of the working group, with a view to providing opportunity to discuss national development programs and to map out/create potential areas of cooperation.


Col. Kálmán Zsigmond, the Chief of Staff of the HDF Logistic Centre delivered an opening speech at the meeting. In what followed, the Czech representative gave a presentation of their national development program “S-21". In this presentation, he talked about the small arms procurement projects built on the Zbrojovka product family and the planned procurements.

The Polish representative gave the participants a detailed introduction to the “TYTAN" program. According to plans, this year they will start supplying the units of the Polish armed forces with weapons fitted with state-of-the-art optical equipment, clothing and protective vests.

In what followed, a representative of the Polish Defence Industry Holding held a presentation on Poland’s role and achievements in the program.


The representatives of the Hungarian Defence Forces gave a presentation on the special programs connected with the “Infantryman 2020" modernization program, including the assault rifle upgrade program, the modification of the PKM machine gun, the GLOCK–17 pistols and the procurement process of protective vests, as well as the developments of new items of clothing equipment and the personal radiological kit.

The next day the Hungarians held a technical display which featured – besides developments in clothing – upgraded weaponry as well as new types of optical equipment procured and delivered in the US Foreign Military Financing (FMF) program. During the display, a representative of MoD Arsenal Co. introduced the assault rifles upgraded by the company.

Photo: HDF Logistic Centre