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Ambassador of Romania on an Introductory Visit in Hungary

Szöveg: Ministry of Defence |  2018. január 25. 9:00

On 22 January in Budapest, Minister of Defence Dr. István Simicskó received Romanian ambassador Marius Gabriel Lazurca, who arrived in Hungary to pay an introductory visit.


Alexandru Victor Micula, the former ambassador of Romania to Hungary left his position on 30 March 2016, and his successor, Marius Gabriel Lazurca presented his letter of credence to President of Hungary János Áder on 12 September 2016.

At the meeting, Dr. István Simicskó emphasized that the bilateral military relations between the two countries are balanced and free of problems. Some good examples of concrete military cooperation are the annual exercises of the Hungarian–Romanian joint peacekeeping battalion and the TISA multinational disaster relief engineer battalion, as well as the biannual air search and rescue (SAR) exercises, the minister added.


Photo: Veronika Dévényi