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Donation to the Hungarian Soldiers

Szöveg: HDF KAIA FP CON |  2012. november 2. 6:06

The Hungarian Force Protection Company serving in Kabul recently received a total of 600 pairs of socks from the Americans. Reporting from the spot.

Why socks? To understand it, we have to know what happened before…

Afghanistan, Helmand, August 2009. Marine Cpl. Donald J. Hogan’s parents received terrible news about their son: unfortunately, he was killed in action. After the tragedy, the parents wanted to help their son’s comrades somehow, so they asked them what they needed the most. The answer was “socks".

Like every soldier, marines spend most of their life in boots during the tour of duty. Health and proper clothing are important for executing the tasks. The parents established a foundation, spend the donations on socks which they send time after time to those serving in the theatre of operations. To date, they have sent and offered 128 thousand pairs of socks to the US troops, first in Iraq and then in Afghanistan.


Although our soldiers are equipped with the proper clothing, the acceptance of the offer on the part of the contingent was a gesture which helped further improve the relations. Before deployment and on their arrival in the area of operations, the entire personnel of the contingent received all their clothing and tactical equipment which ensures the performance of their duties by high standards. By way of example, let us note that every soldier has three changes of 2003M desert uniforms, the corresponding 2003M waterproof training jackets, polar sweater padding, and they were given a sufficient number of T-shirts and socks as well.

This was the first occasion when in addition to the US marines, soldiers of other nations also received these articles of clothing. SFC Raymond Addarich, the US Command Sergeant Major of KAIA handed over the socks on behalf of the donors. It is certain that this act of donation will further improve the already well-running cooperation between the two nations.