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Education Is the Key to the Future and Peace

Szöveg: |  2012. május 30. 9:25

As a result of the cooperation between the 12th rotation of the HDF Provincial Reconstruction Team (HUN PRT-12) and the German maneuver battalion, the inauguration ceremony of a new school recently took place in Gerdab village, Baghlan Province, Afghanistan.

Hundreds of children can now start using the school building with six classrooms, which has been built in four months. “Up to this point these pupils have been taught in tents, so there was a holiday for them in the winter months. Weather can no longer hinder education, and from now on the schoolchildren can learn under proper circumstances, the head of the district office for education told us.

The two commanders present at the ceremony, Lt.-Col. János Somogyi and Lt.-Col. Thomas Gessner said that education is the key to the future and peace in Afghanistan. This joint school construction project forms a good basis for paying more attention to the students and creating better circumstances for them. Both commanders are soldiers and fathers, so they know the importance for the children’s future of acquiring basic knowledge and proper education.

(HUN PRT-12)
