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First Phase of Hohenfels Training Completed

Szöveg: / HDF Ludovika Battalion |  2017. február 21. 9:00

Officer cadets and NCO candidates of the HDF Ludovika Battalion and the HDF NCO Academy are participating in a three-week training program in the Hohenfels Joint Multinational Readiness Center (JMRC), Germany.


Following completion of the first phase of the training, the officer cadets and NCO candidates have recently been visited by Brig.-Gen. József Szpisják, Deputy Commander, HDF Augmentation, Preparation and Training Command, University Associate Professor Col. Dr. Zoltán Jobbágy, Vice-Dean for Scientific and International Affairs, Faculty of Military Science and Officer Training, National University of Public Service, and Lt.-Col. Szabolcs Sári, Acting Commander, HDF Ludovika Battalion.


The first part of the three-week exercise included type conversion training for motor vehicle drivers, driving practice, and simulated “roll-over training", during which the driver and the transported soldiers exercised what to do and how to exit the vehicle in case it rolls over and how to extricate each other from it.

During the trade training, among others, the future career soldiers had opportunities to learn the basics of counter-improvised explosive devices (C-IED) procedures, to use a simulator for machine gun and artillery fire requests, and to practice medical evacuation (MEDEVAC).


Photo: CW2 Tamás Zsiros

Source: Facebook page of the HDF Ludovika Battalion