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Practical State-of-the-Art Knowledge for Emergency Situations

Szöveg: Tibor Tamás |  2011. szeptember 13. 10:21

The almost three thousand medical and within that military medical students of the Semmelweis University can develop their skills in a unique simulation and skill centre from the academic year 2012/2013. The training-service knowledge-centre and laboratory introducing the new education culture was completed in the framework of the New Széchenyi Plan, with a contribution of 330 million forints (1.2 million Euros, $1.6 million), received with the help of the European Union. The University and the NATO Military Medical Centre of Excellence (NATO MILMED COE) signed a cooperation agreement on Wednesday, September 7 in the Semmelweis Hall of the University.

After Col. Med. Dr. István Kopcsó, the Director of the NATO MILMED COE and Dr. Tivadar Tulassay, the Rector of the Semmelweis University placed their signature on the document of agreement between the two institutions, both Parties reinforced that the ceremony of signing was just an overture, as the common thinking about collaboration had already begun many years ago, and they envision a long-term joint work. The cooperation of the two institutions is also justified, because both of them are enhancing the long-established reputation of our Homeland recognised as well in the field of military medicine. Besides these, István Kopcsó saw the fundamental ground of collaboration in the more modern and changing requirements of military support, military health care, crisis response, disaster management, and the peace support missions. Furthermore, it is a top priority that the quality of the troops’ provision must be as good in the area of operation (AO) as back home. At the same time nowadays the issue of military health care calls for an international cooperation.

Tivadar Tulassay underlined that the practical approach, such as for instance the training programs, should play a more decisive role in the education programme. Related to the project, audio-visual and practice-oriented auxiliary investments will take place in the 15 institutes of the University. Each special field will have an access on different level to the simulation and skill-development exercises during the 12 terms. From the fundoscopic examinations through the catheterisation and vein-pricking to resuscitation, the students will be able to carry out several “operations" on the skill-development instruments, phantoms of the lab. Thanks to the informatics, mechanical and pneumatic support, the quick decision-making in emergency situations can also be practiced on life-like – high fidelity – puppets. Due to the new Centre an even healthier proportion might emerge in what the students will practice in the lab and what on real patients. The above mentioned increasingly faithful simulation of real world is one of the most modern and cost-saving methods, which has long-standing traditions in the Hungarian medical training. The knowledge acquired there may play a vital role in pathophysiological emergency situations, especially in the wake of the new education culture’s introduction.


 Photo: Gábor Galovtsik
