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Successful Meeting in Levoca

Szöveg: MoD Press Office |  2011. május 16. 19:17

At the press conference closing the meeting of V4 Defence Ministers it has been announced that the V4 EU Battle Group will be formed by 2016. Defence Minister Dr. Csaba Hende emphasized that Hungary had been supporting the idea since the proposal was put forward.

Slovak Defence Minister Lubomir Galko announced at the press conference following the May 12 meeting in Levoca, Slovakia that the parties had agreed on setting up the V4 EU Battle Group by 2016.


The Visegrád Cooperation was established twenty years ago. The common primary goal of the Visegrád Group (V4) countries – Hungary, the Czech Republic, Slovakia (Czechoslovakia at the time) and Poland – was to join the Euro-Atlantic institutions. Today all four countries are member states of the EU and NATO.

Speaking at the press conference held after the meeting, Defence Minister Dr. Csaba Hende said that through our regional cooperation we intend to enhance the EU capabilities.

As regards the V4 Battle Group, Csaba Hende emphasized that Hungary had been supporting the idea of forming an EU battle group in the framework of the V4 cooperation since the proposal was submitted. Examining the establishment of the battle group and jointly carrying out a related feasibility study were among the priorities of the Hungarian V4 presidency. The Defence Minister pointed out that our country would support any further planning activities that are necessary for setting up the battle group.

