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“This Program Is The Symbol Of Allied Cooperation”

Szöveg: László Szűcs |  2009. július 30. 6:16

Monday morning, the NATO strategic airlift fleet was officially activated at the HDF Pápa Base Airport. At the same time, the first C-17 transport aircraft of the fleet, with a Hungarian registration number on its tail was introduced. 

Gordon Bajnai, Prime Minister of the Republic of Hungary, Claudio Bisogniero, Deputy General Secretary of NATO, Minister of Defence Dr. Imre Szekeres, and General (Eng.) László Tömböl, MoD Chief of Defence Staff arrived at 10 o’clock sharp at the HDF Pápa Base Airport. The dignitaries were received with military honours by the parade company, and the Central Orchestra of the Hungarian Defence Forces played the NATO signal and the hymn of the Republic of Hungary. During the ceremonial march the Mi-24 combat helicopters of the Hungarian Defence Forces, carrying a NATO and an EU flag were flying above the airport, and Gripen fighters flew by in formation. Following that, the first grey C-17 transport airplane with a Hungarian serial number rolled onto the tarmac.


The transport aircraft is the first one of the fleet of three planes that will b operated by the NATO Heavy Airlift Wing (HAW). The wing consists of a command-control section, a logistics company, and a HAW squadron, with a planned personnel of 131 troops. After reaching full operational readiness, HAW will be capable of providing for the full spectrum of airlift tasks – for example refuelling in mid-air, airdrops of troops, and flying in ordinary and complicated weather conditions during daytime and at night -, said the narrator at the ceremony, to which the representatives of the Boeing plant, the manufacturer, the families of HAW troops, and the notabilities of the town of Pápa were also invited.

It was also mentioned that HAW was established in the framework of the Strategic Airlift Capability (SAC) program, which was founded with the participation of ten NATO member states and two countries cooperating with them in the scope of the Partnership for Peace (PfP) program, with the aim of providing military airlift to distant areas.

In his address PM Gordon Bajnai underlined: security and the lack of it are issues which are often mentioned these days; the world is experiencing a time of crisis it has not seen in the past eighty years and being in the middle of these times, we are focusing on economic issues in the first place. We also have to consider the security challenges the world, Europe, the NATO member states, and Hungary are facing as a result of the economic crisis. For in the middle of the crisis there is a growing demand for security in everyone.

The prime minister emphasized: history has proven that in the periods of economic crisis we encounter military challenges of a new nature, since in a crisis there is a growing urge in unstable states to look for a chance in the external conflicts in order to solve their internal conflicts, just like the protectionism triggered by the economic crisis often brings up the risk of nationalism and chauvinism.

– Therefore in addition to solving the economic crisis, we also have to prepare for greater international risks, even for an unexpected turn of the events – said Gordon Bajnai, adding: we can say we are lucky, for we are living in the peaceful part of the world. And because we live in peace, we rarely think about the fact that we have to struggle each and every day to maintain peace and security. Today tens of thousands of soldiers ensure, often in a hardly noticeable way, that our countries can live in peace. And many times the forces working for peace do not work in the given country; they struggle to eliminate the dangers in other parts of the world.


The head of the government added: it was exactly ten years ago that our country, together with Poland and the Czech Republic, joined the Alliance that has created the world’s strongest defence network for its members. This event was significant not only from foreign and security policy considerations but the fact that Central Europe and the Trans-Atlantic Alliance have found each other and formed an alliance was one of the most elementary historic acts the members of this region had been aiming at and have reached eventually.

– Today twelve countries within NATO have formed an even closer alliance. Therefore we have every reason to call this day a historic one. The cooperation realizing the program of Strategic Airlift Capability cannot be appreciated and respected enough. It is owing to this program that from now on, one of the most modern transport airplanes in the world will serve to provide security for all of us – said Gordon Bajnai, adding: it is now the first aircraft to arrive and it will be followed by further airplanes. These planes are the active instruments of creating peace and security.

“It is an honour and a reason to be proud of, that Hungary can provide a base for the NATO aircraft, the Heavy Airlift Wing. This proves that we are serious and important strategic partners in the Alliance. Hungary, just like in its other international relations, aims at being a part of the solution within NATO as well" – said the head of the government, who also mentioned that the successful implementation of the reform of the Hungarian Defence Forces, the excellent performance of Hungarian troops serving in NATO missions have also contributed to the fact that the Pápa Base Airport has become the headquarters of the common C-17 fleet. This reflects the mutual trust of the nations participating in the program.

– This program is the symbol of allied cooperation, for twelve nations have realized that together we can do more than alone, together we can afford more and can do more for our common security. Therefore I think that this program is not simply about the Strategic Airlift Capability but it is also a model for NATO member states, proving that such projects can strengthen the capabilities of the Alliance – said Gordon Bajnai, adding: the town of Pápa deserves our special thanks for undertaking and solving extra tasks. The public and cultural institutes of the town have a major role in achieving that host nation support means continuous support for the families as well. Pápa has been a military town for centuries, and the Hungarian air force has been present there for seventy years. As of today, this airport will be given an even more important role than before.


NATO Deputy General Secretary Claudio Bisogniero arrived at Pápa to substitute General Secretary Jaap De Hoop Scheffer, who is ill at the moment. In his address, the deputy general secretary emphasized: this day is the official recognition of the realization of a vision and a dream, the efforts of twelve nations, during which they were working together to create a capability that is of vital importance as regards the security of the present and the future. Mr Bisogniero underlined: less than three years have passed since the declaration on creating the national Strategic Airlift Capability and the purchase of a C-17 transport aircraft was signed.

– On this day we can witness the success of the effort. The most advanced transport aircraft, operated by a multinational aviation crew, with a Hungarian registration number on its tail, indicates the international registration of the fleet – said the deputy general secretary, adding: Hungary has devoted a considerable amount of energy to renovate the airport in order that the fleet can be activated.

Mr Bisogniero also expressed his thanks to Prime Minister Gordon Bajnai and Minister of Defence Dr. Imre Szekeres for hosting this important NATO project, and said: he is eager to see the reports on the first joint operation.

Brigadier General Richard Johnston, Chairman of the SAC Steering Board said in his address: today in Pápa we celebrate an important milestone in the history of military aviation; each and every nation participating in the program can be proud of the successful implementation of the plan.

– The clear identification of the security challenges of the 21st century indicates the vital role of strategic airlift. This recognition encouraged the participating nations to act with responsibility in supporting their respective national demands, in fulfilling the requirements of the combat corps of ISAF and the European Union, disaster prevention and humanitarian missions. The wide range of missions embraces the national will of all the twelve nations – said Gen. Richard Johnston, adding: the transport to Afghanistan to support the ISAF troops is among the first missions of the Strategic Airlift Capability.


Following the address of Gen. Johnston, Defence Minister Dr. Imre Szekeres formally handed over the colours of the Heavy Airlift Wing to the General, who immediately transferred it to HAW Commander Colonel John D. Zazworsky. The ceremony continued with reading out loud the certificate of activation of HAW: “We hereby announce that as of July 27, 2009, the multinational Heavy Airlift Wing has been activated in the Republic of Hungary, at the Pápa Base Airport."

Colonel John D. Zazworsky, the Commander of the HAW emphasized in his speech: this day is a milestone in the strategic airlift initiative. According to the commander, it is an honour to serve together with the troops of SAC, who have arrived from twelve countries and have been assigned pioneering tasks, and their families.

– Today we have assembled here in Pápa to celebrate the final milestone: the soldiers of our nations have established the Heavy Airlift Wing, a team consisting of the pioneers of aviation – said the colonel of the Air Force of the United States of America, who also expressed his special thanks to Dr. Zoltán Kovács, the mayor of Pápa, and Colonel Miklós Domonkos, the Commander of the Base Airport for welcoming the corps in the town and at the air base.

The commander also mentioned that the soldiers of these twelve nations have been working together as one team in Pápa for nearly a year. This team concentrates on preparing the aircraft that has already arrived to implement our strategic airlift tasks. In the opinion of Col. Zazworsky, despite the differences in our national and military cultures, a very good team has been forged together and this team is committed to support this strategic capability. “The multinational airlift wing is ready to take off!" – the commander of HAW closed his address.

Following the ceremony, the distinguished guests – among them politicians, ambassadors – and the journalists were shown the C-17 transport aircraft with reg. No. SAC PÁPA 01. Minister Imre Szekeres said at the press conference following the event: Hungary will use the C-17s for the Afghanistan, the Sinai Peninsula, and the Cyprus missions. Should Hungary choose to rent aircrafts instead, it would cost fourteen times more. The minister added: Hungary has a share of 60 hours a year from the flying time of the planes.

The defence minister underlined that Hungary benefits from the Pápa airport hosting the C-17 fleet even from an economic aspect: for instance 300 new jobs may be created as a result of the investment. Imre Szekeres also said that as a part of the program – and with NATO funding -, with an expenditure of some 9 billion forintsthe military airport of Pápa was modernized: a new hangar was built, the rolling lanes were renovated, various special areas were created, the electricity system of the airport has been modernized, and a state-of-the-art defueling and fuel storage system was completed.