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László Szűcs - 6. oldal


Towards More Successful Cooperation

2012. május 6. 6:06

“Our main goal today is to lay down the frameworks of the defence industrial and armaments co-operation for the near and common future”, said Mr. Gábor Márki, the Deputy State Secretary for Defence Economy, Ministry of Defence on the second day of the German–Hungarian armaments, military logistics and military medical conference in Budapest.


German–Hungarian Armaments Conference in Budapest

2012. május 3. 16:09

“We all know well from our history that Germany and Hungary had traditionally very good bilateral relations. After the reunification of the two German states until today there were several cooperation programmes between the two ministries of defence” – Mr. Gábor Márki, Deputy State Secretary for Defence Economy, Ministry of Defence emphasized in the MoD Military History Institute and Museum on Wednesday, May 2.


Training Nearing Completion

2012. április 11. 10:36

The training for the eight rotation of the HDF Operational Mentoring and Liaison Team (HDF OMLT) is nearing completion. Consisting of US and Hungarian troops, the contingent conducted various target practices in Szomód between April 2-6, on the garrison range of the HDF 25th ‘Klapka György’ Infantry Brigade of Tata.


Ahead of a Mission in Afghanistan: Training Goes on Until End of April

2012. március 4. 6:05

The mission-specific training of the eighth rotation of the HDF Operational Mentor and Liaison Team (OMLT) has reached halfway. The ongoing preparation in Tata currently involves Hungarian troops, and the US soldiers are to join the contingent in mid-March.


Field Medical Module Evaluation

2012. február 27. 16:34

The NATO Center of Excellence for Military Medicine (NATO MILMED COE) organized a Medical Evaluation (MEDEVAL) course in Budapest between February 20–24. The course was attended by 25 soldiers from 10 countries.


Standby Service and „Starter Exercise” in Sarajevo

2012. február 17. 9:47

The Hungarian peacekeepers serving in Bosnia-Herzegovina executed a “live” task just some days after their arrival. Together with troops of other nations, they deployed to join the removal of the meter-high snow that had fallen in the area of the capital.


Defence Minister Welcomes Military Attachés

2012. január 31. 15:24

The Ministry of Defence invited the military attachés accredited to Budapest to the traditional New Year toast in Stefánia Palace on January 24. Among others, the event was attended by Defence Minister Dr. Csaba Hende, Lajos Fodor, the MoD State Secretary for Public Administration, Gen. Dr. Tibor Benkő, the Chief of the MoD Defence Staff and several representatives of the Ministry of Defence and the Hungarian Defence Forces.


Superiors Express Satisfaction with Hungarian Peacekeepers

2012. január 26. 13:43

Last September the 30th rotation of the Hungarian contingent of the UN Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus (UNFICYP) deployed to the divided island of the Mediterranean Sea. We asked the commander of the Hungarian contingent, Lt.-Col. Péter Lukács about the experiences of the recent months, the preparation for the next rotation which is scheduled for March and about this year’s tasks.


The Last Days in the Area of Operations

2012. január 22. 6:07

The mandate of the ninth rotation of the HDF EUFOR Contingent (EUFOR-9 HUNCON) is going to expire at the end of January, so the Hungarian peacekeepers will return home after their half-year tour of duty in Bosnia-Herzegovina. We interviewed Lt.-Col. Szabolcs Kiss, the commander of the contingent about the lessons learnt on the six-month mission, which is nearing completion.


Honvéd Palace Guard Takes Up Duties

2012. január 11. 6:02

„Although setting up the Honvéd Palace Guard in this form is a novelty, the guard traditions in Hungary are well-established and have a centuries-old proud history”, President of the Republic Dr. Pál Schmitt said on Saturday, January 7 outside the Sándor-Palace at the activation ceremony of the Honvéd Palace Guard.