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Gripens Departing

2019. április 18. 16:28

Again, the Air Force of the Hungarian Defence Forces will safeguard the air space of Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia in the next four months. The farewell ceremony of the soldiers was held on Thursday, 18th April in Kecskemét.

The Hungarian Defence Forces (HDF) will protect the Baltic air space with four Gripen fighters and about one hundred aircrew. Under the NATO agreement on the protection of the air space of Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia, the Hungarian soldiers first performed the mission in 2015. The Alliance controls the airspace of those Member States, which do not have fighter planes.

During the farewell ceremony held at the HDF 59th Szentgyörgyi Dezső Air Base, Lt.-Gen. Ferenc Korom bid farewell to the soldiers departing for the Baltic Air Policing (BAP) mission. The Commander of the Hungarian Defence Forces called this mission honourable, because it demonstrates the high-level preparedness of the HDF personnel, and responsible as well, as the Baltic airspace has become the most sensitive airspace of Europe and perhaps that of the entire NATO in these days. Lieutenant General Korom emphasised the preparedness of the contingent at the ceremony: “The pilots, the technical air crew, and all the soldiers of the relocating contingent know their duties, for which they are perfectly prepared, in accordance with the requirements. The pilots have proved their abilities not only in the domestic trainings, but also in the international environment, and gained recognition among our allies" – said the HDF Commander.

The event was made more special, because the Gripens of the Hungarian Defence Forces flown with Hungarian crew, have completed the 20 000th hour of flight time recently. During the farewell ceremony, Brig.-Gen. Nándor Kilián, the Inspector of the Air Force Branch of the HDF Command noted in this respect: “We know it well, that achieving the 20 000 hours flight time did not mean a smooth ride. We had to get through a rocky road, from which we learned lessons, which made us stronger, and enriched us with such experiences, which will indelibly remain amongst our memories."

The Baltic Air Policing Hungarian Detachment (QRA) perform their duties in the Lithuanian Šiauliai airport from the beginning of May until the end of August.

Photos of László Tóth